We’re very interested in genealogy of the Dimjašević family. With the Dimjašević family name we are two families in Križevci and one in Zagreb. In our family tree we maintain records of over 400 persons. Related family names that can be found in the tree are, among others, Matanović, Posavec, Markač, Mikulić, Ištvanović, Anđelić, Božić, Adrić and Jukić. So far the furthest we were able to trace links to our ancestors is six generations, which dates back to the mid 19th century. In other words, for some family members we know who were their great-great-great-grandparents.
The family name comes from a village Semeljci in the Slavonia region in Croatia. We managed to trace the name back to the 19th century. The name appears much more frequently in the city of Virovitica, but us maintaining the website are not aware of any blood relation with people in Virovitica. Another important place in our family history is Čajkovci, where our ancestors Božić lived.